Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Israel's diplomatic strategies

The trick is to be there and pay a minimal price

Netanyahu risks loosing elections by sending troops into Gaza

Mr. Netanyahu’s calculations are numerous. He has an election looming in January,

The World expects nothing from USA Administration

“We hold no hope in Obama or Hillary Clinton to do anything, just to save the occupation in their crisis,”

Mr. Barhoum said in an interview outside Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. [they] “Just support the occupation so it can do more and more massacres.”


Taking whatever actions necessary to defend Israel from?

“But if not, I’m sure you understand that Israel will have to take whatever actions necessary to defend its people.” 
 IDF defends its people from these ones...

Those who criticise Israel should provide a solution

When hate and greed blinds the powerful, when others disagree with certain views and decisions then, the powerful tags float around their like-environment tags such; terrorism, no humans, "enemy of the state" as US call them and the world is to believe cheap propaganda. 

Israel problem is Iran

Suspected spies killed by Hamas as Israel and Gaza near a truce

...and do not want a war with Iran but if Israel doesn't stop bombing Gaza then,,, Irsrael will a problem and a war with Iran and the WORLD.

Swedish Media The betrayal: Israel's organ harvesting from dead bodies

 The media refused to report that Aftonbladet was right about Israeli organ theft

The horrible death Gaza children endure - White Phosphorus

Question: What Is White Phosphorus? 
Answer: The following is excerpted from a 2009 Human Rights Watch report: White phosphorus is a chemical substance that ignites and burns on contact with oxygen, generating a dense white smoke that lasts about seven minutes, with a distinctive garlic-like odor.

Mark Regev, Israeli Spokesman, Spars With Al Jazeera Over Strikes On Media Buildings (VIDEO)

An Al Jazeera host had an extremely contentious conversation with a spokesman for the Israeli prime minister over a series of attacks on a media building in Gaza over the past two days.

Israeli Minister: “The Goal…Is to Send Gaza Back to the Middle Ages”

Israel helds children indefinetly in detention

Picture speaks for itself
These children are important and should be part of the ceasefire conditions to set them free, they are children.

Israel's Violence on Palestenians

Right to Defend itself

Israel has always cried 'holocaust' tears to the world while singing the old tune of "Defending itself and its citizens". How do they do it? By banning or killing international journalists by bribing their supportive governments. Palestine is destroyed as a State so is Gaza. Meanwhile the "chronically suffering Israel" has developed to a point it does not need Uncle Sam anymore, see their infrastructure, see their military development up to nuclear programs... and they are the eternal "poor" in need. -- --