Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Uproar over leader's call for list of Jews

THE Hungarian government and Jewish leaders have roundly condemned a politician who called for a survey of Jews thought to pose an alleged ''national security risk'', accusing him of fearmongering in a country still struggling with the legacy of the Holocaust.

In comments deemed extreme even for his far-right party, Jobbik, Marton Gyongyosi urged the authorities on Monday to ''tally up'' the number of Jews in Hungary, especially those in the parliament and government. Such an exercise was ''timely'' given the conflict raging in the Middle East.

The government denounced the remarks, which were made in an address to parliament. It said it ''strictly rejects extremist, racist, anti-Semitic voices of any kind and does everything to suppress such voices''.

Jewish groups reacted with horror and incredulity at the comments, which they said echoed a dark past.

''I am a Holocaust survivor,'' said Gusztav Zoltai, the executive director of the Hungarian Jewish Congregations Association. ''For people like me this generates raw fear, even though it is clear that this only serves political ends. This is the shame of Europe, the shame of the world.''

Jobbik, of which Mr Gyongyosi is the deputy parliamentary group leader, is the third-largest political movement in Hungary, holding more than 40 of 386 seats in parliament. Critics say its MPs have made a string of anti-semitic, anti-Roma and homophobic remarks - but the party has never made a public appeal for a survey of Hungarian Jews.

''I know how many people with Hungarian ancestry live in Israel, and how many Israeli Jews live in Hungary,'' Mr Gyongyosi told parliament, according to a video. ''I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary.''

Mr Gyongyosi apologised on Tuesday for making comments which ''could be misunderstood''.

He had been referring, he claimed, to people with dual Israeli-Hungarian citizenship.

The apology is unlikely to reassure those profoundly disturbed by his earlier comments.

''Jobbik has moved from representing mediaeval superstition [of blood libel] to openly Nazi ideologies,'' wrote Slomo Koves, chief rabbi of the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation.

Lizzy DaviesSourced 

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Israel's Violence on Palestenians

Right to Defend itself

Israel has always cried 'holocaust' tears to the world while singing the old tune of "Defending itself and its citizens". How do they do it? By banning or killing international journalists by bribing their supportive governments. Palestine is destroyed as a State so is Gaza. Meanwhile the "chronically suffering Israel" has developed to a point it does not need Uncle Sam anymore, see their infrastructure, see their military development up to nuclear programs... and they are the eternal "poor" in need. -- --